On-line Health Kinesiology consultations

I work with clients over Skype, FaceTime or Zoom for Health Kinesiology. On-line sessions allow you to feel more relaxed from the start of the session. And after the session you have the chance to sit, or lie, and relax to allow the work to process through. Creating this kind of experience for clients is important to me and using it I attract clients from all over the world.

Working  on-line feels very similar to an in-person session. I set a clear intention that I am ‘muscle testing’ myself on behalf of you and then the session runs as if you were present in the room. The benefits of the session are the same as an in-person session.

I use muscle testing to gather information on the subtle imbalances that lie behind your physical, mental and emotional concerns and more importantly identify which are the most effective energy balancing corrections for your body.

I like you to do the corrections with me as it empowers you in your healing process.

Does Kinesiology really work like this? Absolutely!!